Cancellation Policy

I understand that “Life is Unpredictable” and plans can be impacted by the unexpected, but I am a small, personal company so it is necessary for me to protect it with a cancellation policy or I would no longer be able to offer tours.
I want to always be fair & will do my best to be flexible when I can & accommodate the circumstances either with a refund or a two year credit voucher towards another tour.

This will depend on:     Cost of the tour
                                          Expenses already invested in the tour such as pre-paid suppliers 
                                          Time frame to fill the space

Refund policies: 50% of deposits are refundable up until the balance is due. The flyer will state the refundable date. Balance & deposit are not refundable after the balance due date. Depending on circumstances, the balance can be applied towards a two year voucher for another tour.

Cancellation requests must be in writing either by email or letter.

Due to a tour not filling up with minimum travelers, you will receive a full refund of deposit & balance.

Due to a government prohibiting entering a country or airline cancelling a flight that makes it impossible to travel, I will refund or credit with a 2 year voucher depending on the refund policies of the contractors I work with in the tour.